Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Monolith 1
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Monument 80 Depicting Crouching Figure with Double-headed Serpent
Schele or Reilly?

Composite Drawing of Four Objects Including Two Celts and Two Figurines
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Monument 44 Fragment Depicting Head and Headdress of Figure in Three-quarter Profile
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Profile on Carving C from Stone 2
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Incised Celt with Figure Carrying a Bundle and Surrounded by Four Maize Plants
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Incised Celt with Figure Carrying Bundle Surrounded by Maize Plants.
Schele or Reilly?

Detail Drawing of Scepter
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of a Fragment Depicting Two Standing Figures
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Monument 2 Images Depicting Three Standing Figures Carrying Staffs and One Prone Figure
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Carving on Monument 19 from La Venta Depicting a Seated Figure in the Coil of a Serpent
Schele or Reilly?

Composite Drawing of Three Olmec Works Including Offering 4, Mound A-2, and Monument 6
Schele or Reilly?