
Detail of Register E, Lower Temple of the Jaguar

The Maize God Being Reborn from the Cleft in the Cosmic Turtle's Back

Construction techniques used in Maya buildings.
Linda Schele

Comparative Drawing of Solar Deities from Palenque Cross Group
Linda Schele

Drawing of Image on Carved Shell Depicting a Seated Figure Wearing a Deer Headdress
Linda Schele

Map of Maya Area with Sites and Waterways Indicated
Linda Schele

Composite Drawing of Achitectural Plan and Section of Ballcourt A and A-II
Linda Schele

Profile map of North Acropolis showing pre-Classic constructions
Linda Schele

Map of Maya Region Depicting Waterways
Linda Schele

Site Plan of Tikal Center with Causeways and Central Acropolis Pictured
Linda Schele

Composite Drawing Comparing Ballcourt from Codex Bodley and Tonina and a Modern Ballplayer from Sinaloa
Linda Schele

Plan of Group H from Uaxactun
Linda Schele