Biblioteca Virtual
One of FAMSI’s primary missions was to fund research projects for students and scholars working in a variety of fields related to Mesoamerica. From 1994 until 2007, FAMSI funded 445 research projects, distributing over 3.2 million dollars. Reports submitted by these grantees were digitized, translated and posted to the original website, and some of these reports remain the only published account of a site or project. LACMA is pleased to host these grantee reports here on so that students and scholars may continue to benefit from their findings.
In the future the reading room will expand to include publications produced by scholars in collaboration with LACMA’s Program for the Art of the Ancient Americas.

Proyectos Costa Maya and Ciudad Caucel: Archaeological Survey of Northwestern Yucatán
Anthony P. Andrews & Fernando R. Castellanos

Preliminary Archaeological Investigations at El Bellote, Tabasco, México
Bradley E. Ensor

Determining the Chronological Significance of an Ulúa-style Marble Vase from Northwest Honduras
E. Christian Wells

Lamanai Historic Monuments Conservation Project: Recording and Consolidation of New Church Architectural Features at Lamanai, Belize
Elizabeth Graham

Primary Source Materials on Oaxacan Zapotec Urns from Monte Albán: A New Look at the Fondo Alfonso Caso and other archives in Mexico
Ellen Hoobler

Temporal Changes in the Mortuary Ritual Use of the Caves Branch Rockshelter, Belize
Gabriel Wrobel

A Seminar: Assessing Current Understanding and Charting Future Research in Basin of México Archaeology: Conference held at San Miguel Ometusco, September 2-7, 2007
Ian Robertson & Larry J. Gorenflo

Power in Places: Investigating the Sacred Landscape of Iximche’, Guatemala
Judith M. Maxwell & Ajpub' Pablo García Ixmatá

Encounters with the Past: Archaeological Research By and For Students in El Paraíso, Department of Copán, Honduras
Pamela L. Geller

Cerro Danush: An Exploration of the Late Classic Transition in the Tlacolula Valley, Oaxaca
Ronald Faulseit