
Rollout Drawing of Bonampak, Structure 1, Room 2 Battle Mural
Linda Schele

Drawing of Night Sky at Bonampak, August 6 A.D. 792
Linda Schele

Detail of Astronical Cartouches from Room 2, North Wall, Bonampak

Detail from Bonampak Mural Depicting Masked Dancers
Linda Schele

Drawing of Seated Lord within Moon Cartouche from Bonampak
Linda Schele

Drawing of Bonampak Lintel from Structure 6 Depicting Bust of Ruler Holding Serpent Bar
Linda Schele

Drawing of Bonampak Sculptured Stone 1 with Image of Seated Ruler Receiving Tribute
Linda Schele

Drawing from Bonampak Mural Room 1, Lower 2 Registers
Linda Schele

Drawing from Bonampak Mural Room 1, with Images of Dancers Wearing Feather Backracks
Linda Schele

Detail of Glyphic Text from BPK Mural
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscriptions Labeled "G2-H2" Plus Text Fragments
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription from Bonampak Mural
Linda Schele